Say Hello to the CHO


The pandemic has taken a toll on employees’ mental and physical health.To address these issues, organizations have started hiring a Chief Health Officer to oversee the prioritization of health in all policies.

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Revising Performance Evaluations for Hybrid and Remote Teams (Video & Podcast)

Performance Evaluations

The pandemic has forced leaders to recognize that they need to make changes to manage hybrid and remote teams effectively. One of these changes is moving away from using quarterly or annual performance reviews that relied to a great extent on presence in the office and following best practices to revise the performance valuation process. That’s the key take-away message of this episode of the Wise Decision Maker Show, which describes how to revise the performance evaluations to manage hybrid and remote teams.

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Serendipitous Innovation Advantage for Hybrid and Remote Teams (Video & Podcast)

Serendipitous Innovation Advantage

Work will never go back to a pre-pandemic normal, and leaders who don’t seize an innovative advantage risk lagging behind. One way to gain competitive advantage is to use methodologies like Virtual Serendipitous Idea Generation. That’s the key take-away message of this episode of the Wise Decision Maker Show, which describes how hybrid and remote teams can gain a serendipitous innovation advantage.

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(Video & Podcast) Remote Training and Virtual Mentoring for Hybrid and Remote Teams

Virtual Mentoring

Organizations need to adopt best practices for providing excellent mentorship to remote employees hired during the pandemic and integrating them successfully into the team. That’s the key take-away message of this episode of the Wise Decision Maker Show, which describes evidence-based approaches for remote training and virtual mentoring for hybrid and remote teams.

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